1. Choose the location: Campus or City Centre  (the Virgil Building)
  2. Choose the category of space 
  3. Choose the seating capacity of the space
  4. Choose the date and times when you want your booking to start and end
  5. Choose whether you want a desktop computer or large display monitor
  6. Search for available spaces

If no spaces are available at the time you specify, the system will present you with alternatives.

Book a space on campus    Book a space in the City Centre 

If you prefer to use the old booking time grid, use this booking form.

Many study spaces are available with no booking required. Visit go.bath.ac.uk/study-spaces for details.

More room booking options

Contact us for help or to give feedback. Regrettably we cannot respond immediately to issues with study spaces at the start of a booking, but we aim to reply within 24 hours.